Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Long Awaited Update

Ok, so this post should have happened ages ago but I'll admit, once second term came around, I got a little lazy about the blogging.  Anyway, here is 8 months worth of updates in as short a version as I can make.  December 10th, 2010, Bethany's annual Christmas banquet!  What a great evening!  I got to sit at a table with all my friends and afterwards we all went to see Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3d!  My first full length 3d movie = fun times.  As Christmas break approached, I was forced to face what was then one of my biggest fears: airplanes.  The fear was more from a lack of familiarity with planes than the planes themselves (the last time I had been on a plane was when I was 3).  After an uneventful and succesful flight home, however, I began to rather enjoy flying, as it took a much shorter time than driving and I got free snacks and drinks.  Lol.  The first half of Christmas break was really good, catching up with my friends and family.  However right before Christmas Eve, I got the flu :(  Except that it held on for most of the first half of second semester.  But I am pleased to say that now I am finally feeling completely better.  After Christmas break, we were forced back into the swing of things rather quickly, heading off to Missions Trips on January 6th.  I was placed on the Kelowna team, and what an adventure that was!  I think almost half the trip (ok not really, but it seemed like a long time) was spent waiting to be able to get through to where we wanted to go because of road closures due to avalanche warnings.  BC may be beautiful but it is definitely not easy to get in and out of in the winter!  However, eventually we made it to our destination and spent a wonderful week bonding as a team and helping out the Kelowna Gospel Mission.  We all arrived back to campus exhausted from having driven all night but full of new ways we had seen the Lord at work.  Second semester went by too fast in my opinion, but it was even better than the first.  I made a new friend, Josie, and formed deeper relationships with the friends I had from first semester.  I also got my ears pierced at dyed my hair for the first time (ok so it was only a few little purple streaks, but that counts, right?)  God blessed me in so many ways this year at Bethany and I am thankful to everyone who made it the awesome experience that it was.  A highlight from second semester was the beautiful spring choir concert that I got to perform in and that my parents were able to attend as well as the lovely grad banquet.  Can't wait for next year!   

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