Saturday, August 6, 2011

An Island Get Away!

Hey friends!  Boy has it been a while since I've posted!  It seems as if I'm working all the time but today I have finally set aside some time to update you on the busy life of Jessica Esau.  Renos on the inside of the house are finally done and I promise that I will post pictures on Facebook soon.  They look so good and I am definitely glad to have a functional bathroom again.  After two 48+ hour work weeks I finally got a vacation on the August long weekend.  My family went to Mayne Island with my friend Carla's family, the De La Rosa's and it was so much fun!  It was the first weekend of beautiful weather we'd had in a while and so we took advantage of it by going on some amazing hikes.  I also got some reading and naptime in which made me happy.  Have any of you ever read the Hunger Games?  Because this is what I read that weekend and if you haven't read it, you should.  It is so good, but slightly addicting and I am afraid it made me just a little anti-social at times.  One of the best parts of the weekend was the food.  Carla's mom is one of the best cooks I know and she definitely made sure we were well fed!  Another one of my favourite parts of the weekend was the movie the De La Rosa's showed us called The Prestige.  It was about two rival illusionasts and definitely had some unexpected twists and turns, my favourite kind of movie!  Other exciting news: as some of you know my dad was looking at some churches in Winnipeg but we didn't think the timing was going to work out.  However one of the churches agreed that they would be willing to wait until next summer if my dad was the right guy.  He made the shortlist and will be candidating sometime in the fall.  My parents are going to my cousins wedding in Winnipeg in two weeks and will check out the church then.  Unfortunately I have to stay home by myself for a week and work while they are gone but at least there is a possibility of a job for my dad!  Hope you all have been having enjoyable summers!