Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Woes Of A Soon To Be College Student

Ok so it is now less than a month until I leave for Bethany and so I thought I'd post some things that I am and am not going to miss about my high school years in general

I am going to miss...
-how easy everything was! The homework is nothing compared to what I know awaits me at College
-having everything done for me (course schedule, laundry, meals etc)
-youth group
-my friends
-my parents (just a little bit?)
-band class
-annual samosa sales
-the school hours and class lengths
-not yet being considered an adult and therefore not responsible for all areas of my life

I am NOT going to miss...
-noisy and annoying younger students
-having my parents nagging me about things
-Math, PE etc.
-being woken up by either Nathan or Ryan playing their instruments
-my summer job
-Planning 10, Grad transitions or any other annoying Government required courses
-useless assemblies

Uggh!!!! Summer jobs are probably the most annoying things ever! Especially when you only get 18-22 hours a week at minimum wage. It doesn't help when my mom grumbles about how lousy my job is. Well, sorry mom but I tried to get a second job and it didn't work out. I will be so glad when I get a degree and a job that I enjoy. Not that I hate my job at Splashdown but I'm tired of staying in Ladner all summer. Heck, I want to be at College already! I can't wait for the new freedom, friends, and fun times that await me at Bethany but to those of my friends still in high school, enjoy it while it lasts because it goes by so fast. Recently I have been buying and packing up things for college and I actually feel... old. Lol. I know I am not actually that old but I am at the age now where everyone expects you to be mature and responsible. It is bittersweet in a way. Still, I am excited to begin the next stage of my life. Childhood stage: over Adult stage: begun

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